Laser Treatment Available at Skinworks

One of the most successful Acne & Scar removal treatments is through Laser technology is UD FDA Approved. With the help of extensive laser machines like Forma Light, acne removal becomes a painless procedure. These treatment are safe and largely efficient

Laser treatments are used for Skin rejuvenation & skin tightening. With the use of light and laser within a particular time you can see a great turnaround in the skin colour, texture, and tone. It is effective for treatment on face, neck and chest. This procedure stimulates collagen production and renews skin elasticity; thereby, enhancing the skin tone and resilience.

Laser treatment include exposing a pigmented lesion to short pulses of visible light, the temperature in the highly concentrated melanin can be raised sharply, enough to shatter the cells containing the melanin. Using laser technology to help even the patchy pigmentation from the skin leaving your skin brighter and glowing.

Ablative as well as non-ablative lasers can have a significant effect on melanin which leads to great outcome for skin. Apart from lightening your skin tone, this laser procedure also helps to improve complexion, resulting in smoother and fairer skin

A specific wavelength of light passes into the skin and gets absorbed by the ink. As a result, the tattoo ink breaks into small particles which can then be eliminated by body’s natural filtering systems. At Skinworks we use Q switched technology for tattoo removal which is the first choice treatment